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Installation Guide Roll Grate
1. Install position locator bars on the 448 frame.
This will enable the grate to stay flush with the frame.
To determine where the position bars are to be located, all sections in the traffic direction must be joined. To attach the sections, simply drop the aluminum rail from one section on to the vinyl hinge of the adjoining section. Make sure to keep the sections aligned.
After all sections have been properly assembled, trial fit the grate into the frame. Trim vinyl ends as required to proper fit.
After the grate is assembled and fits properly into the frame, mark the center of each corner rail on to the frame. This mark will be erased after position bars have been secured.
Using the mark on the frame, align the position bars on to the frame and drill holes using 1/8” drill bit where screw will attach the bars.
Using screws provided, attach the bars.
Repeat this process for all corners until all the blocks are secure and the grate fits properly into the frame system.
2. For large grates comprised of many sections:
The factory will provide alignment bars. They will be installed at the factory. These bars will allow the grate rail alignment and still afford the luxury of easy installation and re-tractability.
Align and center the rails on sections B, E, and H so that they align with the bars on sections A, C, D, and F, G and I.